I was amazed at how all the sticks, twigs, paper, and straw had been so carefully woven together. I can just imagine the time, care, and love that was put into this creation.
We Handmade Artist put the same time, care, and love into everyone of our creations.
Bags By Hags takes pride in the creation of every product I make. I truly strive to make useful, unique, beautiful products.
While the process of the creation of my new Potato Bags didn't take as long as building this nest probably took, I used just as much care and love.
The process begins cutting the lining.
Then preparing the exterior, I decided to use a terry cloth dish towel as it is such a gorgeous print for the fall.
Miss Kitty has to approve all designs as she is our official Spokes-Cat.
The finished product!
I am just as proud of my Potato Bag as that little bird was of her nest!
Marsha Bourquin/Head Hag- Bags By Hags
Beautiful! Love your little helper too:)